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This is a government of manipulation, exploitation and extortion-Comrade Emelieze

 The present administration in Nigeria revolves around manipulation, exploitation and extortion. This  assertion was made by the convener of the Federal Workers      Forum, Comrade Andrew Emelieze. 'The present  government  Nigeria is grounded in extortion, exploitation and manipulation. This is leadership by example, go to the markets, market men and women are following the footsteps of those who are a the helm of affairs.There is no end in sight in the ongoing milking of millions of Nigerians by the oppressors. The oppressors have been molded by greed and for-self-only attitude. This is a period of inhuman increases in the costs of goods and services-most especially foodstuff. Comrade  Emelieze sated. The Local Scene The purchasing power of millions of Nigerians  have, all this while, been disabled by the prohibitive prices of goods and services. Curiously, as Nigerians are busy grappling with the violent crimes in the land, ...

The Unifying Factors

Tara Fela-Durotoye Quote: “A nation is not defined by its borders or the  boundaries of its land mass Rather, a nation is defined by adverse people  ...”

A number of political office holders are occupying public offices today by the grace of miscreants who facilitated them into office.

These miscreants have carried out so many acts that are not in tandem with the statutory laws of the land.

However, as a result of the influence wielding culture, they remain untouchable.

Interestingly, indiscipline, lawlessness, crime and criminality are the unifying factors among citizens of diverse ethnic, social, political and religious backgrounds.

This is the prevailing situation in Nigeria, where the leadership in certain states, pays the piper and dictates the tune.

Such a leadership, as described above, must be compelled to take responsibility and give account for all the innocent human lives that have been lost from 2019 till the present moment in the affected states.


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