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This is a government of manipulation, exploitation and extortion-Comrade Emelieze

 The present administration in Nigeria revolves around manipulation, exploitation and extortion. This  assertion was made by the convener of the Federal Workers      Forum, Comrade Andrew Emelieze. 'The present  government  Nigeria is grounded in extortion, exploitation and manipulation. This is leadership by example, go to the markets, market men and women are following the footsteps of those who are a the helm of affairs.There is no end in sight in the ongoing milking of millions of Nigerians by the oppressors. The oppressors have been molded by greed and for-self-only attitude. This is a period of inhuman increases in the costs of goods and services-most especially foodstuff. Comrade  Emelieze sated. The Local Scene The purchasing power of millions of Nigerians  have, all this while, been disabled by the prohibitive prices of goods and services. Curiously, as Nigerians are busy grappling with the violent crimes in the land, ...

Hearts harder than rock

  The people are now aware of the nocturnal conspiracy that persists in the offices of the ''wicked rulers'' of all levels of government. Heinous acts are directed and ordered with a single stroke of the pen. The lives of millions have been converted to dice by the leadership, even as men of God relentlessly expose those who scheme and cheat from hearts that are harder than rock. Read Judges 5:19 The Local Scene Those in charge are pressing on with policies that are anything but people-friendly, despite the loud outcry of millions of citizens. Surprisingly, the personalities involved revolve around threats, harassment, intimidation, and attacks through those that are responsible for the protection of lives and property. Curiously, the dictatorial attitude of the leadership has already attracted prompt measures from those whose approach to leadership is hinged on integrity, transparency and accountability.

False Doctrines

 False doctrines start with the misinterpretation of the word of God by people. God gave us commandments to follow, but when we fail to follow them, there is a problem. We look for shortcuts to God, but there are no shortcuts to God. You have to follow the teachings in the Bible. People are moving away from the teachings in the Bible as a result of false doctrines. The devil is at work when a believer does not follow Jesus Christ. Most people tell so many lies to cover single lies. That is the situation in Nigeria today. The church knows the truth and the word of God, but so many refuse to follow the truth. So many have failed to live righteous lives. The trend now is to brainwash and cajole people into slavery through signs, wonders, and miracles shown to them. This replaces the word of God they ought to have been taught. They cajole and brainwash people to part with all they have through false doctrines. The Local Scene The mysterious deaths...

Our Needs

Elijah the prophet spoke out when the kings led their people off the track. He also taught the people of Israel all they needed to know about the Lord. Elijah alerted King Ahab of the imminent drought in the land, and afterwards, he went away to Zarephath, where God, through a widow, provided for all his needs. In times of need, God will show you His care and love by providing for all your needs. Read 1 Kings 18:1 The Local Scene Homosexuality, sodomy, pedophilia, defilement, rape among others have become worrisome crimes against humanity. Young children have long been initiated into these crimes, and they have now accepted them as ways of life. Olorunsogo, Molete, Molusi, Onafunwa Solanke, Oshodi, Aluko, Scout Camp, and Felele are all communities in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, where crime and criminality have now been integrated as the norms and values. However, the presence of adults in these communities exposes the origin of these social vices. Accusing fingers are pointing to the c...

Good Deeds

  Develop the act of doing good always. Make it a habit. Good deeds are good reflections of your background and upbringing. Let people notice the good in you.

Our love for God

The love for God is an indication that we always do what He wants. God wants us to love and respect each other and also to live together in peace. But, unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case in this clime. However, an Ibadan-based Christian cleric, Pastor Opeyemi Ajayi, appeals to leaders and followers to love God in order to enable the fizzling out of the disturbing security, political, and economic situation everywhere. ''Our love for God should not wane or decline, as the love for God is the basis for addressing all challenges confronting humanity.'' Pastor Ajayi concluded. Read Deuteronomy 5: 16-21

Living Wages-Workers in Nigeria are in deep shock-Comrade Emelieze

Workers in both the public and private sectors of all sectors of the economy in Nigeria are yet to attain the acceptable state of mind to guarantee unimpeded productivity. Living wages and human-friendly conditions of service boost efficiency, effectiveness, and diligence in economies that value the worth of their workforce. However, lamentations, complaints, grumblings, and arguments have for so long characterized the approach of workers to the scheme of things. Sadly, the multiple effects of the obvious disregard for the workforce have manifested in all sectors of the economy. Comrade Andrew Emelieze is the convener of the All Workers Convergence and Federal Workers Forum. Comrade Emelieze laments that the situation is almost hopeless, just as he calls on those in charge to salvage the country's helpless workers. ''The new national minimum wage is nothing to write home about. Workers in Nigeria are in a state of confusion over the implementation of the N70,000 mini...

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Ceaseless Prayers

Oyo Government not taking our welfare seriously-Health Workers

We want a Living Wage-Federal workers